
Enterprise Risk Management

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Strategic Risk Management



Younes Mazlumi
Younes Mazlumi
CEO, Iran

Enterprise Risk Management

These days the importance of managing all risks together has been recognized by organizations. Any risk management process in a firm must include interactions between all risks which mainly are hazard risks, financial risks, operational risks and strategic risks. Risk management is not managing those risks which are familiar or easy to quantify. Even seemingly insignificant risks may cause big losses or damages. Managing all risks together is called ERM (Enterprise Risk Management).


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  Hong Sun
Hong Sun
Management Consultant, Canada

The COSO ERM Framework

The COSO ERM Framework, developed by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), provides a comprehensive and integrated approach to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). It was first published in 2004 and updated in 2017 to reflect changes in the business environment, emerging risks, and evolving best practices.

8 COSO ERM Components

The framework consists of eight interrelated components, which collectively form the basis for effective ERM implementation:
  1. INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT: This component sets the tone for an organization's risk management culture. It includes factors such as management's risk philosophy, commitment to ethical values, and the overall governance structure.
  2. OBJECTIVE SETTING: Objectives serve as the foundation for ERM, guiding risk management activities to support the organization's strategic goals. Clear and well-defined objectives enable organizations to identify and prioritize risks effectively.
  3. EVENT IDENTIFICATION: Organizations identify potential events that may affect the achievement of their objectives. Events can be either internal or external and may present opportunities or pose risks to the organization.
  4. RISK ASSESSMENT: This component involves evaluating the impact and likelihood of identified risks on the achievement of objectives. Risk assessment helps organizations prioritize risks and allocate resources to manage them appropriately.
  5. RISK RESPONSE: Organizations develop and implement risk response strategies to mitigate, avoid, transfer, or accept risks based on their significance and risk appetite. Effective risk response measures aim to reduce the impact and likelihood of adverse events.
  6. CONTROL ACTIVITIES: Control activities are policies, procedures, and mechanisms implemented to mitigate risks and ensure that objectives are achieved effectively and efficiently. Control activities are integral to managing risks and maintaining internal controls.
  7. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION: Effective information and communication processes ensure that relevant risk information is identified, captured, and communicated to stakeholders at all levels of the organization. Transparent communication fosters informed decision-making and promotes accountability.
  8. MONITORING: Monitoring involves ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of ERM processes and activities. It ensures that the organization's risk management capabilities remain aligned with its objectives and adapts to changing internal and external factors.


The framework outlines 20 principles that provide guidance on how to effectively implement each component and achieve ERM objectives. These principles are grouped into five interrelated categories:
  • GOVERNANCE AND CULTURE: Establish an effective tone at the top by demonstrating commitment to risk management; foster a risk-aware organizational culture that supports ERM.
    For example, the principle of Defines Risk Management Culture emphasizes the importance of establishing a risk-aware culture throughout the organization. Based on the principle, the organization conducts regular training sessions for employees at all levels to increase awareness of various types of risks and their potential impact on the organization's objectives; managers and executives actively promote open communication about risks and encourage employees to report any concerns or incidents promptly.
  • STRATEGY AND OBJECTIVE-SETTING: Integrate ERM with strategy development and objective-setting; ensure that risk considerations are part of strategic decision-making.
    For example, the principle of Defines Risk Appetite highlights the necessity of defining the level of risk the organization is willing to accept to achieve its objectives. In practice, the organization's board of directors sets clear risk appetite statements specifying acceptable levels of risk exposure in key areas such as financial performance, regulatory compliance, operational efficiency, and reputation management; these statements guide decision-making processes and resource allocation to ensure risks remain within acceptable limits.
  • PERFORMANCE: Identify, assess, and respond to risks linked to the achievement of strategy and business objectives; continuously monitor performance and adjust risk responses as needed.
    For example, the principle of Identifies Risk emphasizes the importance of recognizing risks comprehensively to enhance the organization's ability to manage them effectively. With this principle, the organization conducts regular risk assessments using techniques such as brainstorming sessions, interviews with subject matter experts, and analysis of historical data to identify potential risks across all business units and processes; risk registers are maintained to document identified risks, their potential impact, and likelihood.
  • REVIEW AND REVISION: Evaluate performance to assess how well the ERM process is functioning; use insights from performance evaluation to make necessary revisions to risk management practices.
    For example, the principle of Reviews Substantial Changes emphasizes the importance of regularly assessing significant alterations in the organization's internal and external environment. Under this principle, the organization identifies and analyzes substantial changes that could impact the organization's risk profile and strategic objectives; it involves regular reviews of the organization’s risk management processes to ensure they remain effective and aligned with the organization's evolving objectives and environment.
  • INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION, AND REPORTING: Continually identify and share risk and strategy information across the organization; ensure effective communication about risks and their impact.
    For example, the principle of Communicates Risk Information highlights the importance of effective communication and information sharing to support ERM processes. In practice, the organization establishes regular reporting mechanisms to provide timely and accurate risk information to key stakeholders, including the board of directors, senior management, employees, and external partners; reports may include risk dashboards, trend analyses, incident summaries, and updates on risk response activities.

Advantages of COSO ERM. Benefits

Implementing the framework offers significant benefits to organizations, including improved risk identification and management, enhanced decision-making, better alignment of risk management with strategic objectives, increased accountability, and strengthened internal controls.

Overall, the COSO ERM Framework provides organizations with a structured approach to managing risks effectively, enhancing resilience, and maximizing opportunities for success in an increasingly complex and uncertain business world.

⇨ Please share your observations, tips and experiences with COSO ERM below.

"COSO’s ERM Framework | ERM - Enterprise Risk Management Initiative", NC State Poole College of Management, 2020, June 17.
"Applying COSO ERM framework principles to AI. (n.d.). Deloitte United States.
"COSO’s enterprise risk management framework", ACCA Global. (n.d.).


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