
Change Leadership AND Change Management: 2 Parts of the Same Whole

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Six Change Approaches



Andrew Blaine
Andrew Blaine
Business Consultant, South Africa

Change Leadership AND Change Management: 2 Parts of the Same Whole

Thank you for the video of this week explaining the differences between Change Leadership (CL) and Change Management (CM) in Kotter's view.
I humbly suggest that they are mutually inclusive:
  • Without CL as a precursor, the need for CM is questionable.
  • Without CM, CL becomes nothing more than a think-tank.
I suggest they need to be considered as mutually supplementary and discussed as one entity.
⇒ Do you agree?


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Student (MBA), Zimbabwe

Change Leadership and Change Management

I agree that they are 2 parts. However, they are not the same. In short:
- Change management is all about how to manage the change process from planning to implementation.
- Change leadership is the people at an organisation tasked with leading the change process. Everything has been made ready as far as planning is concerned and someone is then asked to lead the change process.
Editor: Please note that your definitions of the 2 terms are different from the ones Kotter mentions in their video:
- CHANGE MANAGEMENT is defined as a set of processes and methods that are designed to make sure that when you try to realize a (relatively small) change:
1. The stakeholders buy into the change.
2. The process stays under control.
3. The project keeps on budget.
- CHANGE LEADERSHIP on the other hand is emergent and empowers speculated action, and is driven by good, but yet unproven ideas. It aims at realizing a (relatively large) change by going faster and being smarter by:
1. Articulating a strategic vision of the future.
2. Mobilizing necessary resources.
3. Putting an engine on the whole change process.

  Martin Lekoski
Martin Lekoski, Slovakia

Combining CM and CL as One

Change leaders are like any leaders, they are there to motivate people. The problem with leaders is that they are an informal role. An average Joe can become a leader without any knowledge of the problem or solution.
So to say that without a CL the need for CM is questionable may not be good. Indeed the role of CL is valued in times of crisis or change, but good communication from the CM to the employees can have the same effect without all the fancy words of encouragement.
Leaders in general were more valued in the past when there was a lot of uncertainty, little information available and people were not educated. Nowadays many managers are advised to communicate with their employees and include them in decision making. So in a sense they are advised to make managers out of their workers. And when you have such managers, leaders are basically not needed.

  H. Bosman
H. Bosman, Netherlands

Change Management

My view on management is a little different. In my opinion leadership is just one of the aspects of management. (Like being a judge or a motivator).
So, the manager should be a leader when it is necessary.
This means that a manager without leading qualities is just half a manager.
For this reason I stopped the leadership / management discussion some years ago.
Regarding CM, all aspects of management are important. Of course, Kotter's view is very interesting, but the most imported issues are the choices made by the manager (and his team) which are very much depending on the situation.
In many cases don't talk about changes, but use development or extension since in many cases this is simply the situation.
In my opinion, one of the most interesting aspects of Kotter's view is the political aspect of CM. (The coalition).
For this reason I recommend that the responsible manager should be very smart and sly. Of course in every phase of a change process, he (or she) should play the roles perfectly.

  Jean Letourneau
Jean Letourneau
Business Consultant, Canada

'Push' Management or 'Pull' Leadership?

- Change management is about PUSHING CHANGE into the organization. Change leadership is about achieving the desired results through people's willing participation (PULL).
- Change management is typically a PLANNED program, change leadership is NATURALLY EMBEDDED in how people do things.
- Kotter's model is TOXIC as someone needs to create a sense of urgency, a fire. Change leadership is TONIC, as it connected to people's heart and emotions.

  Dr Robin C Hesler
Dr Robin C Hesler

Change Leadership and Change Management

CL and CM are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they should compliment one another if an organization is to achieve synergy.
The leadership culture of an organization should be such that it creates buy-in, both internally and externally. Without buy-in no change is possible and thus the leadership has failed. You can order changes but they won't happen or will only partially happen this way. The leadership has to create a culture in which suggestions are listened to and acted upon and then fostering that into allowing people to make decisions at various levels and thinking that everyone is in the "we" category and not the "them" category. ONCE IN THE "WE" CATEGORY, CHANGE CAN BE INTRODUCED AND ACCEPTED. The organization is set then with multiple change leaders who are motivated and not just by the name of their position in the org. chart.
CM & CL are cause and effect in action. Effective CL causes change and change causes the way leadership is applied to achieve the desired outcome(s).

  Derek Lark
Derek Lark
CEO, Australia

Change Leadership/Management: What's in a Name?

If you focus on the outcomes desired and then design the inputs to get you there does it really matter what you call any of the parts?

  Paramathmuni srinivas Kumar
Paramathmuni srinivas Kumar

Which is More Important Depends on the Context

Both need to be at work for an organization to sustain at any given point of time:
- Change Leadership is required for adapting to a CHANGING ENVIRONMENT by taking the route of untested ideas and to innovate, to take risk in putting that first step where the organization has not taken the path before.
- Change Management is for a reasonably STABLE SYSTEM and changes need to be implemented by taking into ideas which are time tested.


Change Leadership and Change Management

Change Leadership and change Management are COMPLIMENTARY:
- Change Leadership is required to sponsor and give direction to the change programme by providing the needed resources, enabling environment, support and strong and visible ownership to enable
- Change Managers to develop the strategy plan, activities and implement same.
The Leadership and Management must SYNERGISE to achieve the articulated change vision.

Project Manager, Nepal

Change Management VS Leadeship

Change management is like the human body and Change leadership is like the soul. Management gets its life from the leadership....

  Qazi Ata
Qazi Ata
Consultant, Pakistan

Change Leadership & Change Management

Sorry to note that even the crux of both terminologies under discussion is under dispute. Nevertheless, all the views are respected. However, I will not jump in to it. Nevertheless, both are co-relate...

jbantalyo, Philippines

Change Leadership and Change Management

Change leadership and change management focus on changes that an organization has to accomplish. I would agree that the 2 are related and should be administered with preparedness, since not all the pe...

Consultant, India

Change Leadership and Change Management

Change leadership and change management are CLOSE RELATIVES. One follows the other. Leadership in change inspires and prompts new directional changes, sometimes through out of the box thinking. Manage...

  Andrew Blaine
Andrew Blaine
Business Consultant, South Africa

Change Leadership and Management

@Dr Robin C Hesler: If you read my comment again you will find that I agree with you and do not understand why it is necessary to separate them. They are, in my opinion, "two sides of the same coin"...

  Oshun, Grace Okaima
Oshun, Grace Okaima
Lecturer, Nigeria

Change Leadership and Change Management

I consider Change Leadership and Change Management as two sides of a coin with change management being executed by the leadership of an organisation as change agents....

  Abdulrahaman Nashiru
Abdulrahaman Nashiru
Accountant, Nigeria

Change Leadership with Change Management

My view about the two is that the change leader is to be seen as the person who is to communicate, support and manage the change expected in the organisation. I agree the 2 complement one another, wi...

  Adonis Friday Adoyi
Adonis Friday Adoyi, Nigeria

Change Management versus Change Leadership

I really think the two subjects are similar in the sense that they speak of change. However, separated by the words management and leadership. Change as we all know is something that is constant in n...

  claudius rwodzi
claudius rwodzi
Manager, Zimbabwe

Change Leadership versus Change Management

I want to agree with most comments above on the close relationship between change leadership and management. I look at change leadership as an aspect of organizational innovation and at change manage...

  Simon Lum
Simon Lum, Australia

Change Management and Change Leadership

You MANAGE THINGS - programs, make sure things are on schedule, budget on track. But you LEAD PEOPLE to implement change to produce the desired results. Also change has to be implemented before it ca...

  Andrew Blaine
Andrew Blaine
Business Consultant, South Africa

Roles in Change Management

@Martin Lekoski: Martin, I feel you could be confusing roles and responsibilities. The CL is, in my opinion, that person who identifies the need for specific change, motivates others and develops an ...

  Ayuketa Amadou
Ayuketa Amadou
Entrepreneur, Cameroon

Change Management and Change Leadership

In relation to change management and change leadership it is necessary to understand the ENVIRONMENT in which the organization operates. In this light first identify the environmental factors that wi...

   Emmanuel Daniel.
Emmanuel Daniel.
Student (University), Tanzania

Change Management versus Change Leadership

Managers have people working for them, but leaders have people following them. And from that I can say CHANGE MANAGEMENT is to change the way people or resources are institutionalized (what connects ...

  Andrew Blaine
Andrew Blaine
Business Consultant, South Africa

Change Management, Change Leadership and the People Performing them

@ Emmanuel Daniel.: Hi Emmanuel, I wonder if you are not confusing the action with the personalities. Both change management and change leadership can, and do, happen in businesses that are operated b...

   Emmanuel Daniel.
Emmanuel Daniel.
Student (University), Tanzania

Change Management and Change Leadership: Leaders Have People Following Them

@Andrew Blaine: considering the definition of leadership/ leader, I grounded the concepts on that level so I can make a comparison. In a single person-operating organization the role of leadership is...


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More on Six Change Approaches
Summary Discussion Topics
topic Change Ability is a Core Competence
topic Dealing with Resistance to Change
topic Why Communication is Crucial in Change Processes
topic 5th Reason for Resistance to Change: Over Protectiveness of the Status Quo
topic Everyone is Part in Change
topic Combining Multiple Change Approaches?
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topic First Values and Culture
topic Resistance to Change Types
👀Change Leadership AND Change Management: 2 Parts of the Same Whole
topic Expansion (Change) in Business Focus
topic Participatory Approaches Towards Taking on Change
topic Trust, change and management
topic Using Change Approaches for Post-election Violence
topic Displacement Through Change
topic Approach #7 to Deal with Resistance
topic Mention Change in Introduction Training
topic Change Dynamics of People Being in the Organization for a Long Time
topic Kotter Change Model and ADKAR Model
🔥 Organizational Ideology as a Change Approach
topic Resistance to Change not Just Self-Interest
topic The Origin of Resistance to Change
topic First the Rational and Hard Factors
topic Why *assume* they are wrong and we are right?
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